Don't let April Showers get you down! Take a break from school work (I know I need one...) and get outside and garden. Enjoy the spring bulbs creeping out of lawns everywhere. Take a walk and notice the crocus, snowdrops, and violets quietly bringing color back into the gardens. Maybe pick up a peice of trash or two...I've noticed the snow melting has left quite a few paper cups and plastic bags laying around. Or, for even more fun, come to an event!
April 10: Help Plant A Rain Garden!
On the Corner of Crouse & Waverly SU is installing a rain garden and is asking for volunteer help between 10am-3pm.
April 11: Work Day at the EcoHouse!
Enjoy the spring weather helping prepare the front of the house for a native plant garden, clean out the perenial beds in the back of the house to prepare for the spring perrenials, and, if all goes as planned, build a two bin tumbling composter! We may also put together another raised bed frame if there is time. Come after lunch, leave after we have dinner....Bring gloves, snacks, drinks, music, shovels, rakes, flowers, smiles, or just yourself!
April 17: Earth Day Clean up Downtown!
Spend sometime helping to make downtown beautiful, the city provides breakfast, t-shirts, gloves and garbage bags. Contact for more information.
April 25: EcoHouse Work Day!
Come over and help us install plants in our native plant garden designed by the fabulous LAND|scape club at ESF. Food and music will accompany the event.
I hope to see you outside soon,