Syracuse has had such a lovely spell of weather. The last four days have had high temps at or above 50F. Perfect gardening weather. Of course, there is still a bit of snow on the ground but its no bother. Clean up in the cold frame revealed some very happy spinach that has put out a burst of growth in the sunny weather. I've started some Romain and Black Seeded Simpson in side that will go in the cold frame as soon as we return to school. I also popped some radish seeds directly outside. We'll see if they decide to grow.
While cleaning up the perimeter of the yard I noticed the heads of bulbs peaking through the leaves. I have to say, the only thing more exciting than seeings your own bulbs blooming is anxiously awaiting the blooms of unknown bulbs. Whenever I move to a new house I am always torn. How much do I plant? I know I am going to be moving again shortly. Is it worthwhile to plant something that I will only see for a season, maybe two? Now that I get to inherit garden plants I know how much fun it is to discover plants left behind. I expect to find daffodil and crocus bulbs in the beds but there are quite a few bulbs that are new to me. Do you know what they are?
Hope that everyone has the chance to enjoy this much needed break! When we return we'll plant some peas, clean up the yard, and get going on LAND|scape club's native plant garden!
Until then,