Greetings all!
Though many of you have received this semester's meeting schedule via e-mail, I am also posting it here both as a reminder to members and invitation to any one who is not yet on our e-mail list!
This semester our 'big project' is building an outdoor composting system to handle all of our household, yard, and garbage waste, as well as any of our member's compost contributions. A good system will be able to handle the needed volume, keep out mice, rats, raccoons, and opossums, and resist weathering for as long as possible. This semester's meetings will focus on designing, fund raising, and building the compost bin. Meetings will be Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm at the EcoHouse: 821 Comstock Ave, Syracuse.
February 21: Materials & design discussion
March 7: Fund raising event ideas discussion
Weekend of March 28: Fund raising Event
April 11: Construction (weather permitting)
So, mark your calendars! All are welcome, please join us to share your ideas and experiences!
Other events may arise, such as field trips, lectures, and/or side projects. If you would like to be added to our e-mail list just leave a comment!
Be well,