The first day of classes -- and there is already an opportunity to come together and raise our voices to protect the environment. A rally to urge lawmakers to ban hydrofracting in CNY is being held at 5:30pm at the water tower in Thorden Park. Some of us are meeting at 5pm at the ecohouse to go together. Hope you will join us. In Sunday's Post Standard 1/17 (front page section B) there is an good overview of the issue, which includes where different state representatives and senators stand on the issue. Many are undecided. Many are calling for more information on the impact of natural gas drilling - on one hand the danger to watersheds and on the other hand the effectiveness of protection through regulation. Do you have knowledge to share on the subject? Please comment!
One idea we will discuss at our planning meeting on Sunday, January 24th is whether we want to plan a field trip to Pennsylvania to view a hydrofracting site.