I think it is important for things we create to have a purpose, a goal, and a meaning. I think it is equally important for everyone involved with said creations to be aware of the purpose. And so, I think it is fitting to begin our blog by giving it a purpose. What will it do for us? What will it do for followers? Why are we maintaining it?
I have some big expectations for our blog. I see it as a meeting ground for discussion, a way to get folks involved, and place people can come to for information.
Our blog can be somewhere where new ideas and interesting thoughts can be shared with everyone. It is interactive - people can respond to suggested ideas and responses can be responded to. Conversations can be started. These ideas can be related to what we're doing at the house or just something you think is worth sharing with the community. They can be something you thought up, or an article or book you recently read. These ideas make great posts and, often times, great discussions.
Our blog should be something people can be involved in. Be it by responding to posts, finding out where we are meeting this week, what our next project is, or who we are going to have speaking next. This will be useful not only in keeping active members up to date, but also peripheral members and people who may be interested but aren't ready to jump in yet. It is also a good place to advertise events and/or sponsors with pictures, logos, etc. It should be viewed as a community builder!
And, lastly, I think its potential as a way for people to get information should be capitalized upon. These posts should answer the question of "How do I become a more sustainable student?" Someone who wants to know how to start a garden bed in their yard should think of coming here to find their answer. Everybody loves to do it yourself projects. Even if we haven't taken on a project here yet, if you know how to do it, share that information! This can be a great resource for students (or anyone) who is interested in making sustainable living a reality.
And now, with purpose, we can start posting to our blog!
Live well & be well,