
October 02, 2010

The Role of Community in Sustainability

In trying to create a community of students with the common goal of incorporating sustainable lifestyle habits into college living is a learning process. Faced with daunting obstacles like student's schedules and modest to non-existent incomes, completing even small projects is often a semester long task. Of course, I think the goal is worthwhile and plays an important role in the community at large, but, some days I just feel like nothing is getting done.

Due to the nature of my self, I tend to compensate for that feeling by taking on more projects myself. However, today I was reminded of an invaluable lesson: You can't do everything alone.

I attended Alchemical Nursery's film screening: Vision's of Utopia at the Wescott Bulb Festival. After the movie we had a panel discussion featuring a number of representatives from local community living establishments that included AntHill in Rochester, the Bread and Roses House in Syracuse, Common Place Land Trust, and the New Environment Association in Syracuse. It reminded me that other people are in a similar boat, facing similar problems, and creating really cool solutions. It is important take the time to get together and discuss. Its important to be aware of the resources already available in the community and the infrastructure in place.

I think community plays an important role in furthering the movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle and we're lucky to have many local communities already so active. I hope this year we prioritize involvement with the existing community to richen our smaller student community. - Elizabeth

And a nice flower picture, the Epiphyllum oxypetalum which recently bloomed in the ESF greenhouses.