This weekend we put up insulation on first floor windows. Hopefully that will help keep us warm for the winter without turning up the heat!
Bored over break? No school work to do? Want to make some recycled craft projects? Make Stuff has a bunch of ways to use recycled products. If you make something neat teach the rest of us how to make it next semester ( I know I would love to make some recycled paper...)!
Next semester we'll be looking for folks to take on some products...so, think about it, if you have some time help us out!
We need someone to take on 'tech projects' - think making a list serve, blog design, photography.
We would love someone to head media relations - contacting local businesses for donations & writing articles for local newspapers.
Want to hep us apply for non-profit status or esf-club status? Advice and helping hands would be appreciated.
Practice your grant writing skills! Successfully acquiring grants for the ecoHouse will look great on your resume!
Our garden is thriving: as we add beds we will begin to have an excess of veggies. We could supply student grown food to the school cafe's and maybe even to the local coop and soup kitchens, but we will need a market manager to do that!
If you have something else you'd like to make happen at the ecohouse spring is the time to make it happen....Think about it! Though we can't offer you any money, its a great way to meet people in the community and local businesses. Any project would look nice on a resume too...
Best of luck to all with finals.
Enjoy winter break,